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Link to a Times Tables Rap

Look at the blog roll for a link to a times tables rap! We created our own raps for different times tables and used ‘Screen Chomp’ on the iPads to record the raps. Here is one example of our work.

Virtual pet

Hello students – meet ‘Sunny Jim’ an albino monkey. See if you can get him to move around on your screen. Can you find another way to interact with Sunny Jim?

Term 2 in LA9, 2013

Term 2 LA9, 2013 on PhotoPeach

Introducing B1 and B2 – LA9’s Antlions

Hello students – write out the instructions on how to set up a habitat for someone with two new antlions.

Multiplication learning task in LA9

LA9 is learning about multiplication. In this lesson we counted the number of biscuits and multiplied that number by the number of choc-chips on each biscuit. There were lots of volunteers for this maths task.

LA9 is using Studyladder and this is what the students have to say…

Our thoughts on Studyladder-

LA9 history dance

LA9 “Titanium” History Dance, 2013 from Mrs Davies on Vimeo. Miss Chapman of ‘Dance About’ came and helped us learn about World War One. We reflected on what we already knew about WW1 and through discussion, reading books and dancing with Miss Chapman, learned even more! In this dance you can see that the boys […]

Term One learning experiences

Hello LA9, Thinking back over the last ten weeks, what are your 2 favourite learning experiences we have done in class? Why did you enjoy them? What would you like to learn next term? Mrs Davies.

Studying historical items in LA9

Studying historical items in LA9 on PhotoPeach

Harmony Day with LA9

IMG_0245 LA9- I would love to hear what you enjoyed learning most during Harmony Day. Maybe you learned something new about a class-mate when we used the discussion dice this morning? Perhaps you learned more drum names from the African drummers? Or maybe you were inspired by the Chinese Lion dancing? Mrs Davies

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