Kings Park excursion

Kings Park excursion, 2014 on PhotoPeach

On the second last day of Term 3, LA9 attended an excursion to Kings Park. Many students were excited to visit the park for the first time. During the day we spent time exploring ‘Naturescape’ and participating in the ‘Firesticks to Fireworks’ program. History lessons were brought to life on this day – we learned about some of the plants that the Wajuk people used to use; we learned about some of the special places in Kings Park that the Wajuk people would use to hold ceremonies; we learned a bit about how hunting took place and we made our own ‘Journey Sticks’! It was a fabulous day!
Students, will you please leave a comment describing an interesting fact that you learned on the excursion and tell me about your favourite part of the day?
I am looking forward to reading your reflections!
Mrs Davies

19 responses on Kings Park excursion

  1. My favourite thing in Kings Park was the tower
    and the fire sticks to fireworks program.

    I love learning about the past and present at Kings Park.

  2. My favourite thing about Kings Park was playing in the cold creek, it was fun. Ella, Caylen and Tayla were building a dam. I learned about firesticks to fireworks history.

  3. I liked it when me, Owen, Ella and Connor were building a GINORMOUS DAM. I was the first to get to the top of the tall ladder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I liked the whole day but my favourite bit was climbing and swinging on the ropes, just like a monkey!!!!

  5. I really liked the creek but I slipped on the algae 2 times.

    We also went on the glass bridge, it was really high.

    I really like Kings Park!

  6. I liked the glass bridge and the creek it was FUN. The memory sticks we made on the fire stick to fireworks walk was awesome.
    I loved being at Kings Park!

  7. I liked the lake, but I fell in 2 times. I WAS REALLY WET when I got back up. I liked going up the glass bridge too, it was really high when we got to the top. I really loved Kings Park.

  8. I really liked Kings Park – except the part where I cut my finger on a plant. I had lots of fun with my group [Connor, Ella and Chloe]. We went to the creek and made a dam. We came across some other groups, like Mrs Davies’ and some others.

  9. I really liked the glass bridge, it was cool. I really enjoyed Kings Park!

  10. When my class went to Kings Park I really liked going for a guided walk. We saw a glass bridge, a paper bark tree and a very old tree. When we were walking we found things to add to our journey sticks. I found a honky nut, a delicate leaf and a big stick.

  11. I loved Kings Park – especially the creek .The creek was was the best because we built a dam. We used rocks to make the dam. We also played on the spider web, it was hard to climb. We stayed until recess/lunch, yumm. After lunch we went on the ‘Firesticks to fireworks’ guided walk. I really liked it when we made the journey stick. I used a big stick, paper bark, a leaf, honky nut and some red bark.

  12. I had a great time at the glass bridge. It was very high off the ground! We built a cubby house out of big branches.

  13. When my group went into the creek we made a dam to block the tiny waterfall. When Caylen was at the edge on the right, she made a massive, algae, squishy, soft ball.

    When I saw the Women’s memorial inside the lake I thought it was a wonderful memorial. I noticed that when the fountain went low it was starting as a sapling and when it went high it had grown into a huge tree.

    I loved it when we went to Kings Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I really liked fire sticks to fire works guided walk it was amazing.The womans memorile was cool, and I noticed when the water goes down it starts as a seedling, and when the water goes high it is a big tree. I really, really enjoyed it at Kings Park.

  15. I loved it at Kings Park because we leared about lots of things like the Nyoogar people and lots of other cool things that happend years ago it was the best at Kings Park.

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