Comparing and contrasting coding programs

Dear LA6 students,

Tell me about the differences and similarities between, Kodable and tynker. Which program do you prefer to use? Why?

We will create a graph of the class’ preferences.

Mrs Davies

13 responses on Comparing and contrasting coding programs

  1. tunker,, and kodable all teach people to code. All of them are websites. My favourite coding website is code. org because you can make your own picture.

    1. Hi Umer,
      I agree with you. is the best!!!😜💪🏻😋
      From Georgia’s brother Blake
      P.S Georgia typed this reply and I told her what to type

      WE ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!😎😀

  2. My favourite coding website is Kodable because it’s super! super! super! exciting when you get a new character. My favourite character is Prism Fuzz because it’s rainbow

  3. My favourite program is Kodable because they have different characters and have different ways to get to the next level. Note: I have only used Tynker on the IWB.

  4. Hi LA6,

    Kaity and I think that Hour Of Code is the BEST coding site we have EVER played. Its our favourite because you can make your own Code Game or play the games that the Hour Of Code website made. There are TONS of levels, actually- 20 of them.

    From Nicole and Kaitlyn

    1. hour of code is the best but of corse that is my apinion
      nicole and kaity think so to

  5. Hey Mrs Davies,
    In my opinion, Kodable is the best.
    Here are my 3 reasons why I think Kodable is the best:
    1. You can unlock awesome characters
    2. It is super fun and easy to unlock the levels
    3. You can learn how to code very fast


  6. Dear Mrs Davies,
    I think Kodable is the best coding because you can unlock your favourite charaters.

    From CJ Clinton

  7. Dear Mrs Davies
    I perfer Tynker because it is more challenging. Next is probably because you get to make cool stuff by the end of all the levels. I do still love Kodeable because each level has a different ball.

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